Copy using Lantern.Discv5.WireProtocol;
string[] bootstrapEnrs = new[]
Discv5Protocol discv5 = Discv5Builder.CreateDefault(bootstrapEnrs);
If more granular control is needed over the protocol's configuration, you can create an instance of Discv5Protocol
using the builder pattern provided by Discv5Builder
Copy Discv5Protocol discv5 = new Discv5Builder()
StartA method to start the discovery protocol.
Copy await discv5.StartProtocolAsync()
StopA method that can be used to stop the discovery protocol when it's no longer needed.
Copy await discv5.StopProtocolAsync();
Self EnrReturns the Ethereum Node Record (ENR) for the local node.
Copy Enr selfRecord = discv5.SelfEnr;
Nodes CountReturns the total number of nodes that are stored in the routing table.
Copy int totalNodes = discv5.NodesCount;
Peer CountReturns the total number of nodes that have Live
status in the routing table.
Copy int activePeers = discv5.PeerCount;
Active Session CountReturns the total number of active sessions maintained by the local node.
Copy int activeSession = discv5.ActiveSessionCount;
Get Node From IdReturns the corrresponding NodeTableEntry
stored in the routing table based on the provided nodeId
Copy NodeTableEntry node = discv5.GetNodeFromId(nodeId);
Get All NodesReturns all the nodes stored in the routing table as an array of NodeTableEntry
Copy NodeTableEntry[] nodes = discv5.GetAllNodes();
Send PING messageA PING
message can be sent to a connected node by supplying its Enr
using the following method.
Copy Task<bool> request = await discv5.SendPingAsync(destinationNode);
Returns a Task<bool>
object, indicating if the request was successfully sent or not.
request can be sent to a connected node to update the routing table with newer nodes.
Copy Task<bool> request = discv5.SendFindNodeAsync(destinationNode, targetNodeId);
Returns a Task<bool>
object, indicating if the request was successful or not.
Send TALKREQ messageTo send an application-level request, this method can be used by providing the destination node's Enr
, the supported protocol
, and the request
Copy Task<bool> request = await discv5.SendTalkReqAsync(destinationEnrRecord, protocol, request);
Returns a Task<bool>
object, indicating if the request was successful or not.