Inter-App Communication

This section describes how a custom subprotocol can be implemented for allowing communication between different applications.

To implement a custom subprotocol, this library provides the ITalkReqAndRespHandler interface that can be inherited into a class containing custom logic. This class can handle application-specific subprotocols using TALKREQ and TALKRESP messages. Here is an example of this:

public class CustomHandler : ITalkReqAndRespHandler
    public byte[]? HandleRequest(byte[] protocol, byte[] request)
        // Handle the incoming TalkReq request here
        // Return response payload or null

    public byte[]? HandleResponse(byte[] response)
        // Handle the incoming TalkResp response here
        // Return processed response or null

An instance of CustomHandler can then be passed as a parameter to the CreateDefault method:

ITalkReqAndRespHandler customHandler = new CustomHandler(); 
Discv5Protocol discv5 = Discv5Builder.CreateDefault(bootstrapEnrs, customHandler);

Alternatively, if Discv5Builder is used, then the instance of CustomHandler can be passed to it using:

Discv5Protocol discv5 = new Discv5Builder()
                        .WithTalkResponder(customHandler) // Custom handler

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